PhD Neuroscientist:

“This 7-Second Tesla

Ritual Attracts Money To You”

  • Whistleblowing Neuroscientist has discovered a new way to make more money start appearing in your life as soon as today..
  • Find out how 18,366 formerly cash-strapped people replaced worrisome bills and stressful debt with their dream home, dream car and dream vacation..
  • Breakthrough Columbia study confirms the secret is 250 million years old, the size of a peanut and sitting inside your brain right now..

Scientific References and Spiritual Studies:

If you want to get rich, there’s only one thing you must do.

Think you know what it is? Take the quiz:

  • A.
    I need a business like
    Jeff Bezos.
  • B.
    I need a silver spoon, like Paris Hilton.
  • C.
    I need a degree from a good school like Stanford.
    Not a problem!
  • D.
    I need to “know the right people”
    Not true!
  • E.
    I need the Law of

The truth is it’s NONE of those things.

You could scour Amazon, YouTube or Google..

..And you still won’t find this ONE thing.

Because this ONE thing is sitting inside of you right now. It’s a tiny brain wave that when activated can make you truly wealthy.

Finally, The Tiny Brain Wave
For Rapid Weath..

This tiny brain wave is generated by a power source in your cerebrum evolved over 200 million years and is so small, we didn’t even know
what it did until recent CIA research leaked the finding..

It’s been sitting dormant inside your brain all along and we’ve all been ignoring it..

So we’re going to activate it now by using Dr. Winter’s 7-Second Brain Tap..

You can do it from home.

You don’t need to meditate, visualize or write anything down.

A 7-Second Tesla Ritual.. Scientifically Proven By Four Neuroscience Labs..
That Attracts Money Effortlessly..

In fact, the 7-second ritual is so simple that leading American neuroscientist Dr. Paul Winters published,

“this scientific breakthrough will change the way the world’s experts think about wealth”.

Japan’s top scientists are studying the phenomena now but they’re late - scholars found it written about in Tesla’s diary. Edison even invented a secret device to activate this tiny brain wave for himself.

So if you can sit still for the next 2 minutes and 21 seconds, I’ll tell you everything.

And if you’re feeling skeptical, I get it. I was skeptical too.

So let me introduce myself.

My name is Dave Mitchell.

And this quick story is humiliating - but stay with me, it gets good fast.

My Wife Slapped Me So I Got Rich..

I lost my daughter’s college savings on the Cowboys game..

My wife got so mad she slapped me..

But somehow, the slap knocked some sense into me because I got an idea to get it back..

I marched over to the rich part of the neighborhood and knocked on Dr. Winter’s front door..

Dr. Winters was the richest guy in town but
no one knew how - and he owed me a favor, I was his electrician..

I told him my whole story and then after a long pause, he asked,

“Dave.. if I help you, you promise that you’ll give 10% of everything you make to the church?”

I told him you have my word, and then, Dr. Winters told me the truth..

American Neuroscientist Reveals The
Surprising Secret To Attracting Money..
(and it’s not what you think)..

Last year I was recruited into a privately funded think tank of leading neuroscientists and psychologists..

The program was initiated to develop brain waves that synchronize with money and wealth, based on recently declassified CIA research.

Shortly after its inception, we developed the project using brain wave technology that took about 7 minutes a day. A small group of associates found the technology could be used to attract money, often in large sums. These scientists began using the technology to pay off their debts and take weekend trips. But after one scientist showed up to work in a new Mercedes, he was never seen again.

The investors insisted on secrecy. They claimed no one could know what we’d found. They demanded this technology only be made available to the upper echelon of politicians and government officials.

To me, this was a crime against humanity. But I am prohibited from sharing this technology publicly. You are not. And I didn’t know how I would wage my war until the universe chose to send you to me today.

Sit down.

If you’re going to use this scientific breakthrough to attract money correctly, there’s one thing you must know.”

“I Was Strictly Prohibited From
Sharing This Technology...”

I was on the edge of my seat as Dr. Winter’s told me the truth..

Your brain produces 4 main waves. We measure these 4 waves on an
EEG machine.

But for our purpose, only 2 of these waves matter: Beta and Theta.

The Beta Wave is associated with daily life. Being busy. Stress. Bad luck with your health. Beta is where your limiting beliefs are. Most employees and normal people are in a constant state of Beta below their awareness, causing Beta to become overactive in their life. In the lab, we called Beta the Slave Wave.

So when you hear Beta, just think POOR.

Beta: The Slave Wave

Now the Theta Wave is the opposite, it’s the gateway to money..

Theta is the dominant wave in creativity, intuitive insights, healing your body, effortless learning and feelings of bliss..

NASA’s largest psychology study found Theta increased memory almost 50% instantly. A team of Japanese PhD’s found the famous “flow state” comes from Theta.

Russia’s top sports scientist found Theta was the bridge to bliss.

And Thomas Edison invented a contraption that activated Theta. He used this device to solve his hardest problems, and curiously, this was the only successful invention Edison never shared publicly.

In the lab, we called Theta the Money Wave.

So when you hear Theta, just think MONEY.

Theta: The Money Wave

Now brace yourself for the final piece of
this puzzle:

Since you need more Theta, you should know the power source of Theta is a tiny walnut-sized region in your brain called the hippocampus..

The bigger your hippocampus, the more Theta you get.

So what you need is a big, healthy hippocampus.

But here’s what the investors forced into silence:

PhD Neuroscientist:
“This Is The Real Reason That
The Law of Attraction And Manifesting
Won’t Actually Work.."

Numerous studies have found people who did not grow up wealthy had a shrunken hippocampus dramatically reducing their Theta.

We kept trying to disprove this fact because it’s so unfair to people who didn’t grow up rich but we failed..

When wealthy people talk about “keeping it in the family”, they’re not just talking about trust funds..

The wealth begins inside their brain and then they pass it down the lineage neurologically..

Hundreds Of MRI Brain Scans
Reveal The Truth:
Your Hippocampus Isn’t Big Enough

My parents weren’t multimillionaires. Neither were yours. That means we both have this shrunken hippocampus, causing you to produce less Money Wave and more Slave Wave…

Any neuroscientist could hook your brain up to an EEG right now and see this:

Because of the Shrunken Hippocampus Effect,
the Slave Wave hijacks your brain waves, blocking activation of the Money Wave, making it virtually impossible for you
to attract the home, the car, the boat, the travel, the body, the health, the promotion, the love, the luck, the life you’ve always wanted and deserve.

And worse, if left untreated, the Slave Wave will get passed down to your kids and their kids after..

The deck was stacked against you, causing the key part of your brain responsible for manifesting wealth and success to shrink, before you even had a chance.

It Hijacks Your Brain Waves And
Gets Passed Down To Your Kids..

So no matter how hard you try now, you’re stuck broadcasting the Slave Wave to your wife, your daughter, your friends and of course, the universe at large, until we give you a bigger, healthy hippocampus.

Dr. Noble's lab at Columbia University just used MRI’s to publish their first study demonstrating
this “shrunken hippocampus effect”. She’s starting to pull on the thread they sealed and stored but she’s got years to find what our massively funded team found.

The KEY Is To Activate The
Tiny “Power Source” That Generates The Money Wave..

This is what they’re hiding from you. The real reason why manifestation didn’t work for you is not your fault. It’s no longer a theory. In a few years, this breakthrough will change the way the world’s experts think about attracting wealth and abundance.

Your shrunken hippocampus is evidence of
just how neuroplastic the hippocampus is. That means your mind’s money-making machinery can transform quickly with this technology. Basically, we’re going to make your brain bigger.

You fix this and money starts appearing in your life. It only takes 7 minutes.

Here Are The 4 Science-Backed Ways
To Activate Your Money Wave
Starting Today..

There are 4 ways we know for a fact will activate your Theta Wave:

1. Wake up at 4AM.

This is what many billionaires do.

But it’s also very hard and tiring. I don’t even do this myself.

2. Meditation.

If you can meditate twice a day, for 20 minutes a day, you’ll begin to activate your Theta Wave.

BThis one is also very hard and time-consuming.

3. Use a biofeedback machine.

Biofeedback machinery has been shown to help activate your Money Wave.

But in-person sessions start at around $350 per hour. And an in-home biofeedback machine today will set you back about $8,000.

4. You can use our special soundwave but let me tell you why..

When my associates and I began developing the technology, we wanted something simple that could be done at-home..

And we knew the solution would be unique, because this hasn’t existed until now..

Nikola Tesla Meets The Money Wave..

So when new research from Kyoto University showed sound waves quickly change our gene expression and how the brain functions, we began looking at the science-backed sound waves that your brain hasn’t been exposed to…

We were inspired by Nikola Tesla who said, If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of frequency and vibration..

We realized Soundwaves were a perfect solution because sound is all about vibrations..

Together, we developed the first Deep Theta Soundwave that uniquely targeted the hippocampus, immediately putting it back in a highly neuroplastic state..

Resulting In A Hippocampus That Grew
6X Faster On Average Than Every
Other Soundwave..

We called it the Money Wave, and it begins activating your Money Wave from the very first listen.

Give me your phone, I am placing the Money Wave soundwave on it.

Listen to this for 7 minutes a day and the changes start happening immediately.

Just remember your promise - if it works for you like it worked for us, you’ll donate and then, you’ll spread the word.”

It all made so much sense..

I put the headphones on at home not knowing what to expect..

Let me explain..

“Dr Winter’s Soundwave was unlike anything I’d ever heard..”

As I listened, waves of pleasure transported me
into another realm..

But the next day, I got an unexpected bill
from the IRS…

Was I doing it wrong?

I lay in bed that night, feeling like I’d failed my family..

But the next morning, I found a $100 bill on the ground..

The day after I received news that I’d won the biggest contract in town wiring the new mall…

A week after that, a cheap stock I’d bought exploded, clearing $28,000..

“I Found $28,000, Won My Biggest Deal Ever And Paid Off My Daughter’s College..
All In The First Month!”

It hasn’t stopped since - we’ve moved into a gated neighborhood, I’m sending my daughter to her dream school, and my wife was SO proud when I bought a new sound system for our church!

I’ve become lucky - good things just happen to me now since I activated my Money Wave..

But it didn’t stop there..

And my daughter got into her dream school!

It’s like no bad luck or family curse could withstand somebody who’d finally activated their Money Wave, the same one waiting to be activated inside of you right now..

Now that it’s given my wife and I the life we’ve always dreamt of, I want this magic to infuse your life too..

Introducing the first Deep Theta Soundwave developed by the top neuroscientists and psychologists proven to uniquely target your hippocampus and activate your Money Wave..

It’s simple, easy and you can do it at-home:

While other people are trapped in dead-end careers..

Or spending $80,000 on a Master’s degree so they can move one rung up the corporate ladder..

You can lay back with a set of headphones for 7 minutes and let the money start to come to you..

All by harnessing the power of the top neuroscientists and psychologists in America..

Top Neuroscientist Reveals REAL Reason Most People Never Get Lucky With Wealth..

To get wealthy, most people spend their lives starting businesses or working 2 jobs..

Others dream about hitting the jackpot or picking a hot stock while others aim to manifest with the Law of Attraction..

I tried all of those things, and I’ve learned they don’t work until the real root cause is fixed and your Money Wave is activated too…

You work so hard only to feel like you’re drowning in a pile of bills and debt..

And the price of everything keeps going up - today it costs almost $60 to feed a family of 4 at McDonald’s, that’s inflation..

Don’t Spend Years Suffering Like I Did:

Join The 18,366 Men And Women Now Attracting Money Effortlessly Since Activating Their Money Wave..

It’s not your fault the deck was stacked against you before you even had a chance..

But now you’ve seen the Money Wave inside of you..

And since its release, the Money Wave has helped thousands of people attract good luck and abundance after they activate it..

Customers report it’s elevated their whole household - their children’s grades improve and they have extra money to help out.

And because the hippocampus is growing:

  • You’ll accelerate your body’s healing.
  • Your memory improves.
  • You feel more connected to your intuition.
  • Many report it feels like a higher intelligence is by their side, guiding and protecting them.
  • Plus a healthy hippocampus has been shown to keep dementia at bay.

Do The Money Wave,
Instead Of Meditation Or Waking Up At 4AM..

The Money Wave is much faster than meditation and much easier than waking up at 4AM.

It’s even more affordable than feeding your family at McDonald’s!

And given the transformation that activating your Theta Wave can have on your life, we could easily offer this at a very high price. Think about it.

“How Much Is It To Activate
My Money Wave Today?”

How much would you be willing to invest to have good things just happen to you?
To have extra money show up for you? How much would you pay to land a promotion or win a raise? What about having your relationship with your partner or kids transform?

What would it be worth to to experience a life where it feels like you and your family are always on a lucky streak?

What would you be willing to spend for this kind of transformation? $200? $300? $500?

How much has it cost you in your lifetime struggling to get what you want?

Because remember what Columbia University has found: the Theta region of your brain can influence another.

That means by activating it, you could support your kids or your partner with it too.

But if you don’t, that means they miss out on the benefits too.

You really can’t put a price on being tapped into your mind’s wealth attracting power and having the things you want happen for you.

Numerous people have suggested that this product would be an incredible value even at $500.

But I’m doing this to honor Dr. Winter’s request that I spread the word and then donate too.

  • $500
  • $200
  • $100

That means you don't need to invest $500 to get your hands on this breakthrough soundwave.

In fact, you don't need to invest $200 or even $100.

  • $500
  • $200
  • $100

The truth is I’m not even interested in making a profit on this.

All I ask is that you cover the expenses it takes to develop the product and run this website.

So you’ll get instant access to everything for pitching in just $49.

But that’s not all. Because you’ve made it this far, it’s obvious you’re serious about having the wealth and freedom for you and your family.

Which is why I want to let you have everything right now at a special price available only through this video on this page today. So I’d like to offer you the Money Wave for just $39. That’s another $10 off.

And all I ask in return is you consider sending me a success story as you begin to experience the life-changing transformation that so many of our customers are now experiencing.

All you have to do is click the button below.

“How Do I Activate My
Money Wave Now?”

All you have to do is click the button below - it takes less than 30 seconds:


Activate Your
Money Wave

  • Special

  • Instant

  • Quick Cash

Regular Price: $10,000 $5000 $1000 $49

Today Just For


Once you’ve hit the “ORDER NOW” button below, you’ll be taken to our 100% safe and secure checkout page where you’ll enter your order information and credit card number.

The order form is fully protected using the very latest 256 bit SSL encryption for total privacy and protection, it’s the same security that major e-commerce giants like use.

And as soon as you hit “Submit”..

Your digital audio track will be emailed to you immediately.

Which means you save another $9 since there’s NO shipping fees.

And you don’t have to wait for a physical package to be mailed to your house..

This Is The Only Place To
Get The Money Wave..

And remember, this deal is not available on Amazon or anywhere else. The only way to get the Money Wave for this incredible price is right from this page.

And you should know that I’m not going to limit the amount of time you can keep the Money Wave either. It’ll be yours forever.

The price is set to increase as well but I'm fighting to keep it affordable for the people who need it most. So this $39 price is not guaranteed beyond today. The last thing I want is for you to come back later and see higher prices or worse, find out Money Wave is no longer available for purchase.

I’m doing my best to spread the word like Dr. Winter’s asked me to but managing this website and the thousands of customers is time-consuming..

I have a wife and 2 daughters that I love and I want to spend more time with them, so I am certain I will not be offering this online forever. Time really is running out.

And you’re still with me. You're still paying attention, which means your order is set aside for you. But if you leave the page, it may be given away to someone else.

Don’t spend another day dealing with the frustration that comes from having an overactive Slave Wave when activating the Money Wave is literally a click away.

If the Money Wave is still available, then the order page will appear and you can enter your information. If not, you'll have a chance to add yourself to our waiting list and we'll let you know if this product becomes available again later.

Remember, you’ll save the most money when you order with today’s discount, and not risk missing out.

Claim Your Discount And
Click The Button Below Right Now.


Activate Your
Money Wave

  • Special

  • Instant

  • Quick Cash

Regular Price: $10,000 $5000 $1000 $49

Today Just For


How To Use The Money Wave:
It’s Only 7 Minutes A Day..

If you’re wondering how exactly do I use the Money Wave?
It’s simple - here’s what you do..

After you wake up in the morning, sit down with a cup of coffee or breakfast or whatever you have in the morning..

Put on a pair of headphones or earbuds..

And press PLAY on your smartphone or computer..

Listen to the Deep Theta soundwave for 7 minutes (we’ve already programmed all this for you)..

And then go enjoy your day!

It’s really that easy.

From there, you simply let your Money Wave do its thing as more abundance and opportunities begin to flow into your life..

The Money Wave Is GUARANTEED To Work - Or You PAY NOTHING!
SEE How Your Life And Relationships Transform, Then Decide To Keep it Or Now..

And even though the Money Wave has thousands of five star reviews from customers, if you’re skeptical, I understand how the programming of society has eroded the nation’s hope..

I understand how it profits them more if your mind is sedated and weakened..

So to prove this research-backed soundwave works and make this a 100% no-brainer for you to check out,
I'm going to guarantee your order today for a full 60 days. It's a 100% ironclad money backed guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience. That means you don't even need to make a decision right now. Just say maybe, and you'll have a full 60 days to test it out for yourself.

JUST Added! Claim Your $397.50 In Gifts And Bonuses When You Order Today..

Your 1st FREE Gift:
The Rockefeller Pyramid: How To Invest Your New Fortune Into An Endless Money Supply



More than 70% of lottery winners go broke in one year. Why? Because no one ever taught them how to turn their windfall into a fortune that outlives them. Since I became wealthy, I’ve connected with top investors from all walks of life. In The Rockefeller Pyramid, I’ve boiled down their complex formulas into 3 simple steps you must follow to turn your new fortune into an endless money supply with the Money Wave.

Your 2nd FREE Gift:
7 Lazy Millionaire Habits



After I got wealthy, I got to spend a lot of time in private with self-made millionaires. And I noticed there were 2 types: The Hard-Working Rich and The Lazy Rich. It was obvious the Lazy Rich were much happier but how? So I studied and interviewed them, getting them to share their most intimate and personal wealth habits that they’ve never even told their kids. I compiled all of their confessions into one simple report, decoding their wealth blueprint for you so you can heighten the effects your Money Wave brings you.

Your 3rd FREE Gift:
200 Money Wave Success Stories!



This inspirational guidebook contains real stories from 200 of our customers sharing how activating their Money Wave attracted money, luck and love for them! These wonderful stories as told by customers will serve as inspiration for you as your own deepest desires begin to come to you.

And you’re in luck. Because today is the official release of a brand-new Superbonus™ that everyone who orders by today will receive for free.

Your Superbonus:

The Quick Cash Manifestation Audio Track.


Sometimes we just need money NOW. I’ve been there. So this bonus sound wave is designed to attract a quick lump sum of cash in your life. It’s a beautifully soothing 7-minute audio you listen to at home. And everyday customers tell me this 7-minute soundwave works much faster than the Law of Attraction ever did.

I can’t promise the same for you but here’s an example:

Mary-Ann, an Etsy seller and mother of 3 in Chattanooga, wrote, “We had an engine problem with the Rav4 and needed $1,170 to cover the fixes. I didn’t have it. I didn’t know where to get it. So we were all stuck at home. I listened to this
7-minute soundtrack twice a day for 3 days and on the 3rd day, I sold my most expensive item on Etsy for a $980 profit. Another $180 sale came in an hour after. My family is so thankful for you.”

Click The Button Below To Claim Today’s
Discount, Your 3 Free Bonuses And
Your Free New Super Bonus Right Now.


Activate Your
Money Wave

  • Special

  • Instant

  • Quick Cash

Regular Price: $10,000 $5000 $1000 $49

Today Just For


Once you download the Money Wave audio track, I want you to listen to it once a day for 7 minutes..

And I want you to do this for the next 21 days in a row...

If you do this, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll start seeing more money appear in your life.

And then I can’t tell you exactly when it will happen..

It may be the first time, or it could take a week or two, though it certainly will happen..

It’s something I call the “magic moment”..

The magic moment is when you wake up one day and realize that something is different..

It’s the moment when reality has shifted in your favor and you SEE IT happening around you..

Your senses feel more powerful. And you feel a deep sense of peace and abundance in your heart. You are in control, and your deepest desires, the ones you normally keep to yourself, start to appear in your life, as if your life has become infused with a higher intelligence that’s guiding you..

Your Money Wave is activated and powerful, everything is working..

And you realize that’s the way we humans were supposed to feel all along..

It’s a feeling you can’t really put a price on..

Our mind is our most precious asset and so much more powerful than we’ve been told..

So I can’t wait for you to experience what life can be like once you’ve activated your Money Wave..

If You Have Two Ears And 7 Minutes,
You Can Attract Money Effortlessly..

By now you’ve come to a very real crossroads in life where you must make a choice between two very different outcomes. Since helping thousands of others like you in the last year, I know this isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Option 1:
Forget Everything You’ve Seen Today (Not Recommended)

The first choice is, of course, to do nothing to finally fix the problem causing you to struggle with no end in sight.

You continue to try so hard, praying the universe comes to your rescue soon, but it never does. A reality where you’re short on money, a slave to bad luck, with overdue bills and debt always in the back of your mind, living at the mercy of the mega-rich and never enjoying the wealth and freedom that should be yours.

Remember, a tinier hippocampus is just the tip of the iceberg, as it’s getting passed down to your kids, cursing an entire lineage to struggle with money or even bad luck because you didn’t fix it when the solution was right in front of you.

Option 2:
Try The Money Wave TODAY (Recommended)

Dr. Winter’s risked his reputation to bless me with a solution that changed my life almost overnight.

And this solution lets you wake up each day refreshed with feelings of bliss, as your friends watch in amazement as you begin to attract money and abundance effortlessly while incredible opportunities keep coming to you. What do you want most? Do you want extra cash flowing your way, because your Theta is finally activated like it is for the lucky people?

Do you want to pick up skills effortlessly as easily as a child learns a language because deep learning happens only in Theta? Would you like to have some extra luck in your corner the next time you really need it?

Do you want to be tapped into the higher intelligence helping you solve the most difficult problems for you?

Your Friends Will Say “WOW!” Watching Money And Good Luck Go Your Way..

Your friends and family might even beg to know your secret, because they realize you now own the winning lottery ticket of life, free from the shackles of stress and struggles that plague nearly everyone else.

While other people are slaves to the grind, chained to the clock while life ticks away, you can just kick back and let the money start to come your way, because you’re now harnessing the power of the top neuroscientists and psychologists in America..

I know this is the reality you’ve been longing for, and you may never forgive yourself if you let this opportunity slip through your fingers.

You’re One Click Away From
The Winning Lottery Ticket In Life.
Take Action Now!

Just go ahead and click the button below to take advantage of today’s 100% risk-free opportunity to attract the money and success effortlessly.

It’s time you start enjoying a life where every yes you say becomes more good fortune for you, starting today.

I guarantee you’ll be satisfied. If not, you don’t pay a single penny. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve become one of the luckiest people alive since the Money Wave. So it wouldn’t feel right to me or my family if you don’t get each and every benefit you deserve and truly watch your life transform. It’s not just a policy but my personal guarantee.

It’s that simple.

Claim the Money Wave below now and it’ll be emailed to you immediately.


Activate Your
Money Wave

  • Special

  • Instant

  • Quick Cash

Regular Price: $10,000 $5000 $1000 $49

Today Just For


Frequently Asked Questions About
The Money Wave

Still watching? Still making your decision? Ever since we've released this breakthrough, we've got all kinds of interest in the Money Wave with people emailing in and asking questions. So I'm just going to answer a few of the most common questions while you're sitting there deciding to secure your copy.


The first question is from Jacqueline in Houston who asks, “How fast do I get access to the Money Wave?”

The Money Wave is emailed to you immediately as soon as you complete your order. Because it’s a Digital Audio Track, you don’t have to wait for a physical package to be mailed to your home which also means you don’t have to pay any
shipping. (Read more)


Amy from Orlando asks, “I’ve kind of always known that manifestation or being lucky were a real thing on some level. Your presentation confirms this. But how is the Money Wave based on neuroscience? How do I use it?”

Yes. The Money Wave comes from the breakthrough technology discovered by a team of the top neuroscientists and psychologists in America. (Read more)


The next email comes from James in Melbourne. He says, “How is the Money Wave superior to the Law of Attraction? I tried the Law of Attraction, but it didn’t really work for me.”

The Law of Attraction exploded in popularity when the movie The Secret came out in 2008 - can you believe that was 16 years ago?

But if the Secret really worked, wouldn’t its millions of followers be millionaires by now? I mean, they’ve had 16 years to make it work! (Read more)


Next question is from Dorothy in Atlantic City. “Will it help me with things that are about luck, like the casino or playing the lotto or betting at the tracks or on the games?”

The main result of activating your WealthWave is that it begins attracting more wealth and opportunities to you by growing the part of your brain responsible for the elusive Theta Wave. But a big part of attracting money and wealth isn’t just getting a raise or promotion at work, it’s also about winning things. (Read more)


The next question is from Gerry in Charlotte, who asked, “I’m in sales. And my brother owns a business. Will it help us?”

The Money Wave is very beneficial for business owners or people in sales. My best friend won his company’s sales contest his first month using the Money Wave. He said it felt like his brain started feeding him the right words to say and things just floweed. The Money Wave was the difference. (Read more)


Kenneth from New York says, “I’m no good at meditation or visualization. I just can’t do it. How will this still work for me?”

This is a really good question. Because some people just struggle with meditating and visualizing or really don’t like it. The great thing about activating your Money Wave is you’re not really meditating. And you don’t have to visualize, repeat a mantra or focus on your breath or whatever. (Read more)


Tracy from Boston emails and says, “What if I’m not looking for more money right now but my relationship is toxic. Talking with him hasn’t helped. Will this help my relationship even if he’s not willing to work at it with me?”

Well, I was sorry to hear this Tracy. I know how trapped you can feel in an unhappy relationship. And I want you to know, you deserve the best the world has to offer, I truly believe that. So I don’t think it’s an accident you landed here on this website. (Read more)


Robert asks, “Is it considered cheating if I use the Money Wave?”

I certainly don’t think so. Do you consider it cheating when a child is born to mega rich parents and gets handed everything on a silver spoon? Or were they just lucky?

For centuries, we’ve watched as the wealthiest families grow richer and richer, while things get harder for everyone else. And if you look at what the government and the media do, their plan is to keep this going forever, making it almost impossible for you to have the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family. (Read more)


Christopher from Dallas asks, “Is it available anywhere else for a lower price? Can I find the audio sound tracks on YouTube or Spotify?”

We only offer the Money Wave direct through this website for a very important reason. I was approached by a large international publisher to offer the Money Wave through them. If I did that, the markup they required would make the price at least double what it is now for our customers. All that extra markup makes no sense. It’s just added to subsidize all of their overhead and advertising costs, as well as put extra profit in their shareholders pockets which would be pointless since you can already order the WealthWave from the comfort of your home directly from this website. (Read more)


Kate asks, “How fast will I get results?”

The short answer is that the time to results will vary for everybody. No two humans are the same down to the cellular level, so the wealth and success comes differently for every person. (Read more)


Morgan wants to know, “Is there a guarantee?”

Yes, your order is fully guaranteed.

When you place your order from this website, you’re backed by our 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. It’s a 100% Ironclad Money Back Guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience… (Read more)


Okay, last question, “What do I do now?”

This is the fun part. After you click the button below and enter your order details on our secure checkout page, we’ll immediately email you the Money Wave. You’re one click away right now, and it takes less than 60 seconds. And again, remember your order is covered by our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. So there’s no risk to you at all. (Read more)


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